Tithes & Offerings will help us operate to the best of our ability during this time. Your Tithes and Offerings will not only continue to go towards Missions and Ministries, but it will also go towards paying our Pastors, keeping the lights on, and community outreach that we can still hold at this time.

You can give in the following ways:
  • Drop Off* - You can use a secured Dropbox that will be in the Foyer
  • Mail* - You can mail in to: Brookside Community Church, 3800 Brookside Rd, Macungie PA, 18062
  • Electronically - You can give Online or via App. More details below.
*Unspecified funds will be attributed towards General Tithes & Offerings

If you would like to give Electronically, please watch the video below to get familiar with our new electronic platform that we will be officially rolling out later this year. After watching the short video, you can use the Church Center App, our Giving Page, or This Form. If you have difficulty, don’t worry just let us know by clicking the Help! button.